An interesting journey. After a long period of research and working together in big groups, the performance turned out to have a virtual and a cast in space.
The premier took place in Hamburg at Kampnagel november 2022.
Hermaphroditos is known as a multi-sexual mythological hermaphrodite who is often depicted asleep in art.
Starting from the question of whether Hermaphroditos is really asleep, KÖRPER DELUXE is dedicated to the quiet forms of resistance.
Does the lethargy of the sleeping Hermaphoditos represent an imposed resignation, a having been punished, or is sleep a self-chosen form of action, a form of self-determined withdrawal?
After years of artistic research on queer practices in art and society, the team of Körper Deluxe challenges the optimising mechanisms of our working and private societies and invites us to read sleep, rest, silence and intimacy as a resistant retreat.
KÖRPER DELUXE addresses sleep as empowerment, as an intervention that consists of making oneself invisible in order to share the world with those who are visible.

Andrea Keiz Videogestaltung Anne Kersting Dramaturgie Bernd Boßmann Performance virtuell Bridge Markland Performance virtuell Chiara Galesi Produktionsleitung live und virtuell Christoph Grothaus Sounddesign Claudia Hill Textil Kunst Daria Geske Künstlerische Mitarbeit Dita Rita Scholl Performance virtuell Emilia Patrignani Textil Kunst Mitarbeit Enis Turan Performance live Jana Köster Lichtdesign Josep Caballero Garcia Künstlerische Leitung und Performance live Kahori Furukawa Schneiderin Katharina Bromka Performance virtuell Lea Martini Performance live Lotte Speiser Performance virtuell Manuel Gerst Recherche Bühnenbild Michael Schumacher Performance virtuell Sophia Sylvester Röpcke Bühnenbild und technische Leitung STÜCKLIESEL PR und ÖA Teresa Hähn Produktionsleitung live Thomas Möller Performance virtuell Toni Performance live
We thank: Eva Garland for the puppet design, Cora Frost for the song „Liebe Alle“ / text and vocals: Cora Frost, band: Gert Thumser, Hans Jehle, Susanne Betancor, Rudi Neuwirth / Viellieb Rekords 007, Germany 1995, inspired by the French song „Je cherche après Titine“, composer: Léo Daniderff, text: Marcel Bertal and Louis Maubon, France 1917; and Julia Schreiner (jtw Spandau) and Gabi dan Droste (FELD Theater für junges Publikum) for their support